We are a traditional charcoal production manufacturer from West Kalimantan - Indonesia. Our product, Mangrove Charcoal. Our product dimension can be made broadly into 2 sizes separating by their....
We offered cooperation of investment to build small home in West Kalimantan
Information Technology, General Trading, Export, Import
Measurement area, Environmental Analysis, Search Services Land / Area for Plantation / plantation in West Kalimantan that has not been a good location permit or a licensed location ( Take Over) .....
Our company is engaged in: Survey Area, Environmental Analysis, Measurement and Mapping Regions Plantation / HTI, and Information Services to find Farm / Reason Gardening / plantation in West....
We are looking for interested investors to open oil palm Plantations or rubber plantations in the area west kalimantan, we are ready to assist management, Land, socialization, and licensing ....
Provide / Sell-Men Indonesia GIS Digital Map: Map .... Digital Map Provider GIS with Indonesia Pontianak in West Kalimantan Digital maps in MapInfo format ( . Tab. Folder) and ArcView / ArcGIS ( .....
Mangostene is a local and seasonal fruit from West Kalimantan
Our company is a supplier of health and medical equipment, chemical, mechanical, electrical, electronics, etc. We are situated in Pontianak, West Borneo Province, Indonesia.
We sell red veined borneo kratom, have been tested, and got COA. Large order accepted. Worldwide shipping. Try us before you commented other more!
We sell certified and tested west borneo kratom, large order accepted, worldwide shipping, COA ready, Any amount orders welcome.
Dodol Lidah Buaya is a unique food from alovera, West Kalimantan
Our job is to distribute your production... Trust us to market ur product in our area which is west borneo and east malaysia. Dont hesitate to contact us, we are looking for it ! !
Our company runs in distributting food, non food, sweet water and milk products to retail, Supermarket, shops. we cover all west borneo and east malaysia market. We have 32 trucks in all size... Most....
We are looking for serious buyer for our product .... Product : Teak Wood of coconut tree 2. Origin : West Borneo- Indonesia 3. Ages : Up 100 years 4. Quantity : Dozen M3 ( > 1000 M3 ) 5. Price....
We would like to invite the real and seriously Investor to develop new Mine Concession Area in West Kalimatan with Resources Minerals Potency such as : 1. Gold Mine ( Alluvial Gold And Primary Gold....
car rental services for west kalimantan area including drivers. cost negotiable.
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang angkutan laut dalam dan luar negeri dengan sarana angkutan KAPAL CARGO, LANDING CRAFT TANK, TUGBOAT DAN TONGKANG. Melayani angkutan untuk FREIGHT CHARTER, VOYAGE....
Conservations Journey for � � � green turtle� � � .... Singkawang representing town transit residing in West kalimantan. Lunch in Local Restaurant. Gyrate to at 18.00 we will reach the singkawang city, ....
For Computerized Accounting private course like MYOB, Accurate, Zahir, etc. can contact me for area Pontianak - West Borneo.
Just one accounting software reseller at Kalimantan Barat
We are suplier of seaweed from Pontianak City, West Borneo, Indonesia. Our seaweed are cottoni and agricaria
supply betelnut ( whole) . from west borneo/ kalimanatan
kami menyediakan pinang bulat untuk keperluan eksport maupun lokal dan ingin menjalin kerjasama bagi yang berminat