I provide a nut various types, namely dry nut, sliced and halved .. I am ready to become the suppliers keep your company in large and small, for it if you are interested then we will make a contract....
Based in Pontianak, West Borneo We are Specialized in Pilling Project Land or River/ sea . Doing Piling foundation for High Rise Building , Jetty, Bridge or Harbour. Ready Equipment : ....
Mining Contractor, Civil engineering, developer, rental of heavy equipments, bulldozer, crane, stell construction such as bridge and building, land clearing, woods cutting and collection, harbour and....
Npk Bio Oil specially made for palm oil, are very effective, in just 30 days after spraying will be seen the results, we find potential agents throughout Indonesia, Only serious and experienced to be....
Engaged in trading and distribution of oil palm fertilizer with various compositions, such as 12, 12 and 17 + te or + 05 4 13 8 27 or 15 B and 15 6 4 15 15 or 15 and also MOP KCL, UREA, DOLOMITE, ....
Our company offers services to companies - companies expeditions and equipment company - requiring heavy equipment transportation services and trailer tronton form, we are ready to cooperate to form....
RTP ( Rental Tronton Pontianak) is tronton and trailer rental place under the banner PT.SINAR MAGNIFICENT DIAMONDS ETERNAL and headquartered in Pontianak, which is where we are engaged in land....
Multy Development, We are marketing team of any product : Wood working product, Construction Bisniz, Global export Import, Agriculture bisniz, Industrial Bisniz, Finance Consultant, etc...
we are engaged in brokerage services to help you in any business ... and make the cooperation is good and running well. please do not invite the cooperation of uncertain or just mere talk .. Our....
We offered the co-operation to build 3 Walet House in Pontianak, the proprietary rights land, building size 8x30M.
Information Technology, General Trading, Export, Import
We offered cooperation of investment to build small home in West Kalimantan
For Computerized Accounting private course like MYOB, Accurate, Zahir, etc. can contact me for area Pontianak - West Borneo.
Just one accounting software reseller at Kalimantan Barat
An antenna for receiving GSM or CDMA signal for celluar phone. Looking for new reseller agent, in Asia. Up to 15.7 % profit earning from this product for agent.
We are a general trading company and concerning too in electronics designing, installation, repairing, and manufacturing. We are also produces some special equipment for special purposes/ task, on....